Vildar (pl Vildarae)
Medium sized humanoids
Hit dice: 1d8+2
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30
AC: 12 (+2 natural armor plus whatever armor worn)
Base attack/Grapple: +1/+4
Damage: By weapon
Face/reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special attack: War cry
Special qualities: Darkvision 60, light sensitivity
Saves: Fort: +4, Ref +0, Will +1
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +2, Spot +2
Feats: Alertness, Combat reflexes
Climate/terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Gang (2-4), squad 11-20 plus 2 3rd level sergeants
and one leader of 3rd or 6th level) Band (30-100 plus 150% non-combatants plus 1 3rd level
sergeant per 10 adults, 5 5th level lieutenants and 3 7th level captains.)
CR: 1
Level Adjustment: +1
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Lawful Evil Advancement: by character class
For many decades after his defeat
the Witch-King tried to create his own race of orcs, creatures that that would be violent, but fanatically loyal to him. The
Vidarae (plural of Vildar) is a magical hybrid of orc, ogre and other creature, and the fruitarian of the Witch-Kings designs.
They are tall muscular humanoids with a heavy browed face with tough leathery gray skin. Their eyes are a deep yellow. They revel in bloodshed and violence.
In combat they are well
equipped, fighting with a variety of weaponry: Broadswords (2d4 dam + str), great
axes, War hammers, Spears, crossbows and shields being the preferences. In battle a Vildar can scream their unique War Cry,
which causes every Vildar in earshot ( 30 radius) to fight with a morale bonus of +1 to attacks, damage, and saves. This bonus
includes the Vildar who makes the war cry and last for 2d4 rounds. It does not, however, stack with other war cries.
Light sensitivity: -1 penalty
on attack rolls in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell. Vildar wear an elongated helmet that affords
some shading from the daylight sun and negates this minus.
Black Vildar
Bred as scouts, archers
and infiltrators. They are leaner and slightly taller than regular vildar. Their skin ranges from a dark (almost black) green
to a dark sooty black. Black Vildar are camouflage masters (+4 hide skill) that can hide so effectively that even observers
who know what they are looking for suffer a 4 to their spot checks. (DC of 14)
to detect them. Normally alert observers suffer a 5 to their spot check, while a casual observer suffers 6. The camouflage
is negated if the vildar moves or attacks.
Black vildar usually fight
with the following weapons: Long sword/short bow, long sword/crossbow, long sword/long bow, short sword/short bow, and short
sword/spear. All
Vildar live in barracks/fortified locations built by the Witch-King, no independent groups of them exist outside of Qhal.
At the moment their existence is still relatively unknown to the majority of the people. Though some advance scouts have started
to slip through the high passes of the great barrier Mountains into the lands beyond. They are organized into large military