My dogs:
Please notice I said "dogs" as in plural. I am the proud owner of 7 dogs, yes I said six. Thankfully they
are all small. I have six Miniature Pinchers and one Pomeranian. It all started with JJ and went down hill from there!
The most recent addition was Lady, a stray Pomeranian that I found late one night.
Lady below with chrissy in the background

J.J. - Short for Jefferson's Jr. Rat.

This is J.J. The dog that started it all. He's now ten plus years old. You can tell by all the gray
on his muzzle he is an old man! Shortly after this picture was taken his eyesight took a turm for the worse and he is practically
blind now. But I think he can still see some shadows and such. He is doing fine making his way around the house, and with
a bit of encouragement can make the stairs by himself.
We got Jay shortly after we got married, he was purchased from Mike's neighbor's. His father's
name was Jefferson's Ragtime Rat, so I did my best to stay with part of his father's name and pulled both the "rat" and the
"Jefferson" prat into Jay's name.

This is Dinky. She is another one of my "freebie" dogs. Her full name is Dinky Oh-oh. She was a kenne; dog we got from
a freind who was getting out of the dog breeding business. He had already placed her in three homes prior and all three had
brought her back. her first home was when she was 8 weeks old, and the lady was afraid of her! Then there were two more homes
after that, where the people just couldn't handle her. Since we already had the other Min Pins, eh thought we would be able
to handle her and understand her. And what a fit she is! She has adjusted well here and I can't see why anyone ever had problems
with her! She is so lovable and so very clingy! She is always in my lap when I am sitting down. Another "problem child" to
add to our house hold.


This is "Flea" or Jo Jo's Felicia. She was the fifth dog to join our household. She was 9 months old when she
came to us and very nuerotic. She had been at the breeders for three month, a kennel for three months and then with the people
we got her from for three months. They decided a high strung Min Pin was more than they could take. The poor thing didn't
know what to do when she got here! Kept hiding everytime company came over, I think she thought she was leaving again. Took
better part of a year to get her over that little 'fear'.
She has had three litters of puppies before we got her fixed, three big litters (For a Min Pin, five, four and four.)
She has adpated well, and is very lovable, if a bit clumsy at times. I think the puppy has never gone out of her!